Friday 26 June 2009

The Mummy Mafia...

Before you have kids people will try to convince you of the sisterhood of motherhood.  Don't get me wrong - you do enter some elite club when you become a mother.  It allows you to discuss things with women that you would never have dreamt of doing in the past.  Rips, tears, bruising, grazing, piles... y'know the nuts and bolts of life!

However, don't be fooled... the Mummy Mafia are everywhere, they're not necessarily out to get you but they are competing with you, whether you like it or not.  They're the breed that make you feel guilty for enjoying motherhood; for not finding it that difficult, for losing weight, for having a baby that doesn't scream every night with colic...

I was invited to go swimming today by my local mafia - and I caved.  I wasn't going to go, they seem to have the ability to make me feel as though I'm in school again - the unpopular kid that smells a little - but I went anyway.  I told myself it was because my daughter loves it, I'm not so sure if that's the reason though.  Did I just go to be one of the popular kids?  Did I go because I just want to be liked?  Probably...


Thursday 25 June 2009


Where to begin?

I used to be scared of living so to combat this I have always endeavoured to live an extraordinary life.  It's been wonderfully varied; intensely sad, wildly happy, and sometimes mind-numbingly mundane but so far it's been a blast.

In July of 2007 I moved to be with an ex.  Turned out to be one of my better impulsive moves - six months later I was pregnant, nine months after that I gave birth to our fabulous daughter, three weeks ago we were married and this morning we had an offer accepted on a house.  We like to move fast!

So here I am.  I went from Managing Editor of a fashion magazine to stay-at-home Mum in just over a year.  My only complaint?  Not so much champagne on this side of the fence....