Saturday 11 July 2009


with wrinkly wet fingers
and salt on her nose
she'll dream of surfing
wherever she goes...

Tuesday 7 July 2009

A Walk

We went for a walk in the forest today.
In the cool, cool breeze we ran down the track and the girl and I gasped for breath and giggled as the dog licked her fingers. The dog leapt in and out of rust coloured pools to cool his chest and the wind moved through the trees like water.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Tom Sawyer..

My, my.... the weather is SO hot.  Not the kind of hot where you can lie glamorously in the garden in a bikini slowly turning your pale skin to a shimmering, healthy brown, but the kind of hot where you sweat sow-like; it sits on your skin like grease on an egg and the cloying heat bakes you slowly from the inside... You get the picture!

My husband came home from work to find us girls lizard-like on the sofa and decided to rejuvenate us with a dip in some cold water.  

So we packed up and trudged off and threw ourselves in the river... Fabulous.  It was definitely more Tom Sawyer than Tom Collins...It made me feel like Huckleberry Finn...Magical...