Saturday 28 August 2010

it's been a while...

Time has passed like fast flowing water and I realise that I haven't blogged for quite some time, scandalous, I know.

In short...
We moved South for the winter - buying a house back in the homeland and just in time really as the winter of all winters hit. Luckily we got to spend it with friends, in front of fires drinking luscious red wine (thanks Times Wine Club).
My beautiful baby became a beautiful toddler and amazes me at how much she makes me laugh, how much she learns and how much washing she generates!
Lovely husband took a full time job for the first time ever, has turned a beautiful shade of brown in the southern sunshine and has surprised me by being a genius at DIY (I knew I married well...)

And me?
Well the glamour crept slowly back into my life - in direct correlation to the weight I was losing - new clothes, fabulous shoes, nights of champagne, laughter and lovely people.
I tried my hand at the Good Life, growing my own vegetables and fruit - gardening, weeding and nurturing flowers. (No good for the nails....)
And then in March as the summer was approaching and I was dreaming of summer Barbecues, surfing and Mojitos I found out I was pregnant. A little sibling for the toddler. Thank goodness our house has three bedrooms!

So as I write this I am sitting on the sofa with an aching pelvis, thinking glamour as my waistline expands exponentially. High heels and hemlines are a distant memory as stretchy waistlines and comfortable shoes have become de rigeur.
However I am excited at the prospect of this new life growing inside me, there is no glamour in pregnancy but there is definitely beauty.